Collecting the biographical information required careful consideration of the signup process, as detailed below in the UX section. Figuring out how to implement the connecting feature required thinking outside the box and discussions with developers. In order to leverage their existing websites, VVMF wanted the connections to deceased veterans to integrate with their existing platforms: the Wall of Faces and In Memory Honor Roll, tools I'd recently redesigned.

Above are three early Registry homepage mockups that were not selected.

Both registered users looking to connect and visitors wanting to learn more about those who served can search for existing profiles on the above page. When registered users login, they have additional options to search for veterans on the Wall of Faces and In Memory Honor Roll.

When visitors click a card from the above screenshot, they're taken to a profile page that offers further details on that person. It also includes the option to leave comments or suggest corrections.

Registered users can login and manage their connections from the page displayed above. This user currently does not have any suggested or pending requests. If they did, those would display as cards, shown in the outlines below the modals. (This image shows a early mockup - the language on the modals was modified for the live site.)

To help users complete the signup process, I broke it down into multiple steps with a clear progress indicator.